Breast surgery


Procedures for:

All genders:






Procedures performed at:

Institute for Plastic Surgery


Medical Spa


Breast surgery

Augmentation through implants

This procedure is also known as “Augmentation Mammoplasty”, and it is focused on increasing the size of breasts. Usually, this is done through the insertion of implants.
This procedure requires a medical leave and recovery time of 5 days.

Lifting with or without implants

This procedure is also known as “Mastopexy” and refers to the lifting of the breasts. The form of the breast may change due to gravity effects, pregnancy, nursing, and weight among others.
A skin resection and lifting of the areola can be done, and during the procedure an increase or reduction of the breasts can also be performed.
This procedure requires a medical leave and recovery time of 10 days.

Implant exchange

This surgery is recommended for patients who already have breast implants, but may want to change them, either to increase or decrease their volume, or due to a rupture, capsular contraction, or unsatisfactory previous aesthetic results.
This procedure requires a medical leave and recovery time of 10 days.

Breast reduction

This surgical procedure is destined to decrease the size of the breasts, correct their position, and improve the visual aspect of the breasts. It can be performed from adolescent age on.
This procedure requires a medical leave and recovery time of 10 days.

Removal of implants

This surgery is performed by demand of the patients or due to a problem with the implants. The implants are removed, and a reconstruction of the breast is done with glandular tissue only.
This procedure requires a medical leave and recovery time of 7 to 15 days.
